
News Rubicon is an online news portal and mainly reports news happening in the national and international arena. It also covers events from the field of entertainment, finance, sports and Science and Technology. The platform is being promoted by Peepal Infotainment having its registered office at Dibrugarh, Assam.

News Rubicon aims to provide news with utmost fairness without any partisanship after carrying out proper checks and due diligence at our end. In this fast paced life, information is just a click away. But hardly we have any time to fact check the information that we are being handed. That means there is an overflow of information and it is the responsibility of the reader to filter out the genuine from the vast sea of fake information.

We at News Rubicon shall always strive to provide the most accurate information on any topic or issue taking into account the taste and likings of the new generation reader.

For the reader who have found us in this vast ocean of knowledge…

Team News Rubicon..